Freitag, 28.03.25, 19:30 Uhr
28 MAR: [SOLD OUT] The Mike Casa Big Show @SOHO ZURICH!
We are back at SOHO! The show starts at 19:30 From 18:00, possibility to have dinner at SOHO (here is the menu)! You can make a reservation for the table to eat before the show either on the website or by email (info@soho-zurich.ch). With +90m views and +4.5m likes in TikTok & IG, Mike Casa is not viral but at least bacterial. With already 8000+ spectators in 2024, Mike will bring his English stand-up comedy show to Soho Zurich. He will present classic jokes and new jokes to you. With other comedians as opening acts, he will offer you 2 hours of pure entertainment. CHECK HIM OUT: @mikecasacomedy
Weitere Veranstaltungen
31.03.25, 19:30 Uhr
31.03.25, 19:30 Uhr
Fyrabig Comedy
Neues Open Mic für Comedyfans im Kon-Tiki mit Moderator Philip Wiederkehr und verschiedenen Comedians. Eintritt frei.

01.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
01.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
Kon-Tiki Comedy - April Fools Edition
Kon-Tiki Comedy! Zurich's longest standing weekly Comedy Night : English Standup at Kon-Tiki Bar since 2018! Come love & laugh with us!

01.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
01.04.25, 19:30 Uhr
Oerlikon Comedy mit Cenk, Michelle Kalt & Valerie Mirindi
Geniale Comedy-Show, feine Drinks, Lachmuskelkater Garantie. Optional: Dinner, Logen- und Lounge-Plätze.

31.03.25, 20:00 Uhr
31.03.25, 20:00 Uhr
Offene Bühne
Offene Bühne bei Edis Weinstube - präsentiere dein Talent ohne Voranmeldung vor Publikum. Musik, Comedy, Akrobatik und mehr sind willkommen! Jeden Montag ab 20Uhr.