Freitag, 24.01.25, 20:00 Uhr
The Comedy Kiss Showcase, Zurich
You'll be amazed at the talent our English speaking comedy scene has. Join us for three of our best local comedians showcasing their talents back to back in one evening. Brian Tynan Brian T is an American from Tennessee who has been living in Europe for 14 years. He first came for love, but stayed for the free health care and lack of Americans and guns. The thing he misses most from the states is Mexican food. He enjoys disc golf, Snowboarding and other hobbies which will definitely never make him money or make his Mother proud. Also, Richard owes him a favor because of that one time he forgot how trains work. Shawn Jay Shawn is a stand-up comedian and wandering vagabond philosopher who has toured all over Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe, including a full run at the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe Festival where he premiered his solo show 'A Fun Guide to Nihilism'. Now a regular on the European circuit, performing at festivals and in cities across the continent, his unique brand of thought-provoking humour swings from silly to surreal, tickling your funny bones as well as fingering your brain. Pouya Kolai Pouya lives in his cartoon world, purposefully misunderstanding things for laughs. Originally from Iran, he moved to Switzerland at 15. Not speaking the language, he entertained himself with quirky observations, giving him a unique perspective on both cultures and their stereotypes. ----- Hosted by your favorite Brazilian comic @richardcunhacomedy Tell everyone about it and buy your tickets now! Doors open at 19:00. Arrive early to Auer & Co to get a drink and save the best seats. The show is in English Photos of the show may be taken for promotional purposes. Check out our future shows at and follow us on Instagram at for funny videos, show updates and more.
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Freitag 10.01.25 20:00 UhrVeranstaltungsort
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10.01.25, 19:00 Uhr
10.01.25, 19:00 Uhr
Kurds & Bündig präsentiert: Die Podcast Papis Show
Kurds & Bündig kehren mit wildem Spass und unvergesslicher Unterhaltung auf die Bühne zurück. Die "Podcast Papis" bieten wilden Humor und improvisierte, unzensierte Shows.
10.01.25, 19:30 Uhr
10.01.25, 19:30 Uhr
Ida Theatersport Liga - Freitag, 10. Januar 2025, DE
Ida Theatersport Liga: Vier Teams improvisieren in packendem Wettkampf. Entscheide mit, wer gewinnt! Spannung, Emotionen, Humor, Kreativität - ein unvergesslicher Abend.
10.01.25, 20:00 Uhr
10.01.25, 20:00 Uhr
Comedy Kiss and Tell, Zurich
Join us for a night of stand-up comedy about Love and Dating in Zurich featuring Vanessa Lepine, Teddy Hall, and Łukasz Segiet, hosted by Richard Cunha. Show in English.
10.01.25, 20:00 Uhr
10.01.25, 20:00 Uhr
SWISS HERO ZURICH : Comedy with Ahmet Bilge
Swiss Hero: A Night of English Standup Comedy with Ahmet Bilge!